A step-by-step walkthrough on how to use the Implant Studio software by 3Shape to treatment plan implant surgery and fabricate surgical guides. Learn the ins and outs of this powerful software while we work through planning single implants and bridge.

Make Implant Surgery Predictable

3Shape Implant Studio is an implant planning software available for use in both, clinic and lab. In this course Richard Schumacher, a 3Shape specialist, will you teach every step of the workflow – from uploading intraoral and CT scans to designing a surgical guide. This course covers all aspects of implant planning and how to utilize 3Shape software for predictable implant surgery.

  • Implant Studio user interface and functions explained
  • Analyze surface and CT scan to place a single crown implant
  • Learn how to do carry out prosthetically driven implant planning
  • Make temporary screw-retained crown in the same workflow
  • Understand how to plan and create a surgical guide
  • Learn the entire workflow in digital implant planning


Richard Schumacher

Richard is a qualified dental technician with extensive experience in crown, bridge and implant prosthetics. During his 30 years career, he has worked with a number of CAD/CAM systems including CEREC, Procera and 3Shape software. For the previous 5 years he has worked in dental implant and biomaterial sales. In 2017, Richard joined 3Shape as the training and application specialist for 3Shape TRIOS, TRIOS Design Studio and 3Shape Implant Studio.

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