Learn how to use the popular free implant planning software by Blue Sky Bio. Dr Zhivago will teach you the entire implant planning workflow using Blue Sky Plan and how to design a surgical guide + temporary restoration.

Some of the best things in life are free

In this course, Dr Paul Zhivago will introduce you to Blue Sky Plan, a popular implant planning software developed and distributed free of charge by Blue Sky Bio. Dr Zhivago will walk you through the entire implant planning workflow step-by-step and also how to design a surgical guide for your plan. In the second part of this course, you will learn how to design a temporary restoration within the same program and how to perfect it in the ZBrush software.

  • Step-by-step tutorial to Blue Sky Plan
  • Learn skills that can be applied with any implant planning software
  • Design provisional restorations within the same workflow
  • Use a third-party 3D sculpting software to perfect your designs for in-house 3D printing
  • Get familiar with the Blue Sky workspace


Dr. Paul Zhivago

Dr. Paul Zhivago received his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from New York University College of Dentistry where he also completed his education as a Prosthodontist. He lectures nationally and internationally on the topic of Digital Dentistry. Currently, he is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Prosthodontics at NYU College of Dentistry and teaches the digital dentistry course for the Post Graduate Prosthodontic Department.

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