This mandibular screw-retained overdenture case is a great example to show you the challenges you might face when planning an edentulous implant case. In this course we go over the entire workflow and how to use an existing denture to guide you.

Surgical Implant Overdenture Planning for Beginners

An implant overdenture is one of the most useful techniques in modern implant dentistry. It greatly improves patient satisfaction especially for lower dentures. In this course we will explore the entire workflow plan and design a mandibular implant overdenture guide, from start to finish. We will use the patients existing denture and show you how to process this digitally and incorporate it with CBCT and intraoral scans.

  • Learn how to plan an implant overdenture case
  • Understand the key principles when carrying out these cases
  • Step by step case presentation and software workflow demonstration
  • Learn how to use the patients existing denture as a guide
  • Learn how to fabricate a guide to make the implant surgery very straightforward
  • Clinical tips and tricks throughout the course


Dr Nitish Surathu

Nitish is a former Associate Professor of Periodontics and is currently a general practitioner in Gisborne, New Zealand. After a long career in academics and private practice overseas, he moved to New Zealand in 2009 for a lifestyle change. Nitish has lectured on several platforms around the world, having presented in North America, Europe, Australasia and Africa. He is by examination, a credentialed Fellow and Diplomate of the ICOI (International Congress of Oral Implantologists) and an Associate Fellow of the AAID (American Academy of Implant Dentistry).

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