The concept of a ‘digital workflow’ has become a buzzword in modern dentistry. Amid a vast array of digital solutions, Medit has carved a niche for itself with a uniquely efficient, accessible, and intuitive digital workflow. This article will examine the intricacies of Medit’s digital workflow, exploring how it optimizes dental processes and contributes to increased efficiency in dental practices.

A Snapshot of Medit’s Digital Workflow

Medit’s digital workflow is an integrated system that encompasses the entire process of digital dentistry, from the initial scanning to the final production. This includes intraoral scanning, data processing, diagnosis and planning, CAD designing, production, and finally, delivery of the prosthetic. Each component of this workflow is intricately linked to ensure a smooth and seamless experience.

Intraoral Scanning with Medit’s Scanners

The digital workflow commences with data acquisition, typically accomplished with Medit’s range of intraoral scanners, including the Medit i500, i600, and the latest i700. These scanners have been lauded for their remarkable speed, precision, and user-friendliness, making data capture a breeze. The Medit scanners can capture high-quality, full-color 3D images that can then be easily transferred into the Medit digital workflow system.

Data Processing with Medit Link

Once the scans are complete, the data is processed through Medit Link, an integrated communication software that connects the intraoral scanner with various applications and services. Medit Link enables immediate, real-time transfer of scan data, providing the groundwork for quick and efficient case management.

Diagnosis and Planning with the Medit App

The Medit app is instrumental in diagnosis and treatment planning. It provides the ability to view and manipulate 3D scans, facilitating an in-depth analysis of patient cases. With the app’s advanced visualization tools, clinicians can better communicate treatment plans with patients, fostering an improved understanding and acceptance of the proposed treatment.

CAD Designing and Production

Medit’s workflow interfaces with a multitude of CAD/CAM systems for designing and fabricating dental restorations. Using the Medit Link application, scans can be directly sent to in-office milling machines or 3D printers for producing the physical restorations. Alternatively, they can be sent to external labs for fabrication.


Finally, the digitally-fabricated restorations are delivered and fitted to the patient, completing the digital workflow. This final step underscores the efficiency of Medit’s digital workflow, often enabling same-day delivery of restorations, significantly enhancing patient satisfaction.

The Impact of Medit’s Digital Workflow

Medit’s digital workflow brings about a marked improvement in the efficiency and effectiveness of dental practices. By integrating every step of the dental process into one seamless workflow, Medit minimizes the chance of errors and enhances the speed of treatment. It facilitates easier communication, both within the dental team and with patients, leading to better treatment outcomes. Furthermore, the digital workflow brings the added benefit of reducing the physical footprint of storage and eliminates the need for physical impressions, contributing to a more environmentally friendly practice.


Medit’s digital workflow is more than just a series of linked digital tools; it represents a fundamental shift in how dentistry is conducted. By leveraging advanced technologies and integrating them into a cohesive workflow, Medit empowers dental professionals to deliver high-quality care with unprecedented efficiency. For dental practices looking to streamline their operations and enhance patient care, understanding and adopting Medit’s digital workflow is an excellent starting point.