The Importance of Accuracy in Intraoral Scanning

Intraoral scanners have revolutionized the way dental professionals capture digital impressions of patients’ teeth and gums. With the rise of digital dentistry, accuracy in intraoral scanning has become more important than ever. In this article, we will discuss the significance of accuracy in intraoral scanning and its impact on the overall dental treatment process.

The Basics of Intraoral Scanning

Intraoral scanning is the process of capturing digital impressions of a patient’s teeth and gums. These impressions are used to create dental restorations, such as crowns, bridges, and implants. The process involves using a handheld device, known as an intraoral scanner, to capture a three-dimensional (3D) image of the patient’s mouth.

The accuracy of intraoral scanning is critical because it affects the fit, function, and longevity of dental restorations. Inaccurate digital impressions can lead to poorly fitting restorations, which can cause discomfort, sensitivity, and even failure.

The Impact of Inaccurate Impressions

When a dental restoration does not fit properly, it can cause a range of issues for the patient. For example, a poorly fitting crown can cause discomfort when biting down or chewing. It can also cause sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures. In some cases, a poorly fitting restoration may even come loose or fall out, leading to further complications.

Inaccurate impressions can also lead to additional time and expense for both the patient and the dental professional. If a restoration does not fit properly, it may need to be remade, which can delay the treatment process and increase the overall cost.

The Benefits of Accurate Intraoral Scanning

The benefits of accurate intraoral scanning are numerous. First and foremost, it ensures that dental restorations fit properly, which promotes comfort and longevity. It also saves time and expense by reducing the need for remakes or adjustments.

Accurate intraoral scanning can also improve the overall treatment process for the patient. Digital impressions can be shared with dental laboratories and other dental professionals, streamlining the treatment process and ensuring consistent quality of care. Additionally, accurate digital impressions can be used to create digital treatment plans, which can help patients visualize their treatment and make informed decisions about their care.

The Role of Intraoral Scanner Accuracy

The accuracy of an intraoral scanner is determined by its ability to capture precise digital impressions. Factors such as image resolution, capture speed, and software algorithms all play a role in the accuracy of the final scan.

It’s important for dental professionals to choose an intraoral scanner that is both accurate and reliable. Medit’s i500 and i700 intraoral scanners, for example, are known for their accuracy and speed, allowing dental professionals to capture high-quality digital impressions quickly and easily.


Accurate intraoral scanning is essential for the success of dental restorations and the overall treatment process. It promotes comfort, longevity, and efficiency, while reducing the need for remakes and adjustments. By investing in an accurate and reliable intraoral scanner, dental professionals can ensure consistent quality of care for their patients.