In an era where technology shapes every facet of our lives, dental care is no exception. The Medit Movement, powered by its trailblazing intraoral scanners, has dramatically transformed dental practices worldwide. Here’s why you cannot afford to ignore this revolutionary shift in digital dentistry.

The Power of Digital Impression

Intraoral scanners have steadily replaced traditional methods of taking dental impressions. Medit has pioneered this transition with their i500, i600 and i700 scanners. The power of digital impressions lies in their accuracy, speed, and comfort. The level of detail captured by these scanners not only improves the quality of the dental treatments but also enhances patient comfort, making the often-dreaded dental impression process quicker and less invasive.

Medit’s Distinctive Advantage

What sets Medit apart is its unique blend of technology, user experience, and value. The i500 and i700 scanners are known for their exceptional speed and accuracy, compact design, and user-friendly interface. But beyond the hardware, Medit’s scanners boast an open CAD/CAM system. This allows for a seamless integration with various dental software and hardware, offering dentists the flexibility to choose what works best for their practice.

Value for Money

Medit has struck a rare balance between high-quality technology and affordability. Besides offering competitive pricing, Medit’s scanners don’t bind you with mandatory subscription fees. The costs saved on impression materials and lab fees only sweeten the deal. In essence, Medit is an investment that pays for itself over time.

A Future-Proof Choice

Medit isn’t just about the present; it’s about the future of dentistry. Regular software updates ensure that Medit’s scanners remain on the cutting edge of dental technology. Choosing Medit means staying ahead of the curve, ready to adapt to new advancements and opportunities in digital dentistry.

The Silent Revolution

The Medit movement is a silent revolution that is redefining dental practice standards. It’s empowering dentists worldwide to deliver better, faster, and more efficient care. By transforming traditional dental workflows, Medit has become an indispensable part of modern dentistry.


The Medit movement is reshaping the dental landscape, making digital dentistry accessible, efficient, and reliable. Ignoring this revolution isn’t just missing an opportunity—it’s setting your practice behind in the race towards the future of dental care. Now is the time to embrace Medit, a dental game-changer too big to overlook.